
《佛法与自然法则》课程mp3下载 :











Puchong Buddhist House考试现场


第二阶段:佛法口试 2nd stage: Verbal Examination


1. 在心里把佛教与另一个宗教对比,在不评论不贬低另一个宗教的前提下,说出佛教的:

A. 独特优点。 B. 带给信徒特有的利益。 C. 可用的传法优势。

1. Compare and contrast the Buddha Dhamma and other religions in your mind and then expound on the following without criticizing or despising other religions…

A. The unique strong points of Buddha Dhamma. B. The special benefits devotees may receive from the Buddha Dhamma. C. The special strong points that can be used to great advantage in propagating Buddha Dhamma.

2. 讲出一些自己或他人把佛法可用在处理: A. 家庭关系。 B. 公事决策。 C. 灾难/危机的实际运用。

2. Please express how you yourself or others may practically apply Buddha Dhamma in solving… A. Family relationships. B. Decision-making in public affairs. C. Management of disaster / crises.

3. 您觉得佛教如何看待: A. 爱国主义。 B. 民族主义。 C. 绥靖主义。

3. How the following should be regarded from the point of Buddha Dhamma… A. Patriotism. B. Racism. C. Appeasement policy.

4. A. 为何有"大智若愚"的说法? 您觉得佛教应怎么看待这课题? B. 从忍辱与慈悲的角度分析"大智若愚" C. 从智慧的角度分析"大智若愚"。 4. A. Why is there such a saying, “A man of great wisdom lies concealed, appearing like a fool”? How would you look at this saying from the perspective of Buddha Dhamma? B. B. Analyse the saying from the point of tolerance and compassion. C. C. Analyse the saying from the point of wisdom.

5. "人人生而平等"的说法,您觉得佛教是怎么看待的? A. 从天生的智愚善恶分析。 B. 从后天的勤懒强弱分析。 C. 从生命的际遇与机会分析。

5. How do you think Buddha Dhamma regards the saying, “All people are born equal”? A. Analyse the in-born intelligence and ignorance and wholesomeness and unwholesomeness. B. Analyse the acquired attributes of diligence versus laziness and strength versus weakness. C. Analyse the various encounters and opportunities in life. 6. 请说出以下领域里违背自然界法则的地方: A. 当代民主选举。 B. 联合国的制度。 C. 当代人权。

6. Pleases explain the areas of incongruities to natural law in the following fields… A. Democratic election of today. B. The system of United Nations. C. “Human Rights” of today.

7. 请说出如何依佛法的原则避免某些元素因份量过多在以下领域所带来的问题: A. 爱情。 B. 友情。 C. 亲情。 7. Please suggest, according to Buddha Dhamma, how to avoid the problems caused by excessiveness of certain elements in the following fields: A. Romantic love relationships. B. Friendships. C. Family love.

8. 如何用佛法超越兵法与战术?

8. How to apply Buddha Dhamma to prevail over the use of war strategies and tactics?

9. 如果你是中国国家领袖,你觉得面对中国崛起所遇到的种种经济,政治,军事,外交及区域领土主权纷争之挑战,你会从佛陀的教法中吸取那些大要点大原则作为你制定回应策略的基础?

9. If you were the leader of People’s Republic of China facing various challenges of rising in economics, politics, military, diplomacy, regional conflicts of sovereignty etc, how would you apply main principles of Buddha Dhamma in setting policies to tackle aforementioned issues?

10. 根据佛教,一切世间现象都有其因缘。以因果论为基础, A. 请说出美国作为世界第一超级强国的强的因缘。 B. 你若是美国总统的好朋友,你应如何奉劝美国总统,提醒他美国有那些弱的因缘已经或将会損害美国人民的利益。

10. According to Buddha Dhamma, all phenomena in the world occur due to causes and conditions. According to the law of Cause and Effect… A. Please state the strong conditions which enable United States to become the world superpower. B. If you were a good friend of the President of United States, how would you advise him about America’s weak conditions which have jeopardised or will jeopardise the interests of its people.